Current events
Korban Pesach: Becoming a People
Sun March 31, 2008
"Each year, Jews make feverish and intensive preparations for the Passover holiday with the Seder as its centerpiece. However, we are still missing the true centerpiece of the Passover table: namely the Paschal Offering, or Korban Pesach.
Korban Pesach is a Biblical commandment of the highest order, with the command repeated and amplified to us in three different places: Exodus 12, 3-12, Numbers 9, 1-13 and Deuteronomy 16.
Just as circumcision, the first commandment imposed on an individual Jew, our forefather Abraham brought us into the covenant as individuals, the commandment of Korban-Pesach, the first commandment imposed on the Jewish People as a collective - obligating men, women and even children - brings us into the covenant as a People.
Click here to learn more about preparing for the Korban Pesach today."
- (Temporarily at
Sanhedrin Convention
Wed February 28, 2007
On February 28th, more than 1,000 people came to take their place in the Tzibur Bnei Yisrael 3-in-1 Purim Event:
- Sanhedrin Conference
- “Businesses on the Front Line” Sale
- Inspirational Concert: “One Person, One Heart”
Now is the time to join Tzibur Bnei Yisrael!
Launching of Official Sanhedrin Website
Thu Februart 08, 2007
Great news! After almost exactly one year of operation, the management of the nascent Sanhedrin has chosen "TheSanhedrin.ORG" to be the starting point for a new and greatly expanded official website.
Due to the redesign, this "Friends of the Sanhedrin" and its forum has been moved to TheSanhedrin.NET